Most personal trainers in Campbell River and Courtenay/Comox cater to aspiring bodybuilders or those looking to lose a couple of pounds. My focus is somewhat different.

While I have more than ample experience working with aspiring bodybuilders and basic weight loss clients, I truly excel at helping people dealing with significant health challenges, both physical or mental. These sometimes include life-threatening/altering conditions that often intimidate other personal trainers. I try my best not to turn people away. Breaking down barriers that prevent you from exercising and feeling comfortable in the gym is my passion.

As a highly experienced trainer with many certifications under my belt, I am comfortable coaching most clients dealing with mental illnesses, cancer, injuries or other physical impairments, chronic and degenerative diseases, or extreme obesity. While there are some health issues where fitness training may not be appropriate, I strive to provide solutions and customized fitness programs to remove as many barriers as I can.

As a personal trainer, I am limited in my scope of practice when clients have health issues that impede their ability to workout. To get around this, I refer my clients to the best chiropractor and naturopath in Campbell River for assessment and treatment. They, in turn, relay their recommendations back to me so that I can provide the best possible exercise program for my clients.

As a 40-year-old, I’ve had my fair share of health setbacks in life. Ultimately, I am grateful for those experiences, even though I cursed each one while suffering through it. Overcoming numerous traumas and health crises have enabled me to provide clients with genuine empathy, wisdom, and guidance that younger trainers can not. Can any personal trainer honestly say he’s been in your shoes? In many cases, I can.

Changing lives through personal training and health coaching is very rewarding. I doubt I will ever fully retire when I’m older. The positive feedback I get from clients who have succeeded in transforming their health and fitness keeps me motivated to continue learning and improving. The cycle repeats itself endlessly

If you want to make health and fitness a priority in your life but feel intimidated or hopeless to start, please reach out to me. I would love the opportunity to help you succeed.

Need a Personal Trainer?

Work with me online or in Cambell River, BC